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In 1987, Jordan Belfort procures a job as a Wall Street stockbroker for L.F. Rothschild, employed under Mark Hanna, who quickly entices him with the sex and drugs fueled stockbroker culture and passes on his idea that a stockbroker's only goal is to make money for himself. Jordan soon finds his career terminated following Black Monday and takes a job at a boiler room brokerage firm on Long Island that specializes in penny stocks. Thanks to his aggressive pitching style and the high commissions, Jordan makes a small fortune. Jordan befriends his neighbor, Donnie Azoff, and the two found their own company. They recruit several of Jordan's friends, whom Jordan trains in the art of the "hard sell". The basic method of the firm is a pump and dump scam. To cloak this, Jordan gives the firm the respectable-sounding name of Stratton Oakmont. After an expose in Forbes, hundreds of ambitious young financiers flock to his company. Jordan becomes immensely successful and slides into a decadent lifestyle of prostitutes and drugs. He has an affair with a woman named Naomi Lapaglia / liked It - 1110981 votes / country - USA / / Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie / Tomatometers - 8,8 of 10 star





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Nevertheless, if I review this according to the script, I've just found one fault, with the time on the screen there were plenty important facts omitted, like the sudden change of Mr. Jordan after the Italian rescue or Donnie's dealing process after the senior head of the company decides to abandon the business.
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It's really inspirational for entrepreneurs. Find your passion and in my experience no matter what you do at work, what you do at official settings, that passion will be grounded in people...

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I heard there's a treasure map underneath im crying. I love the part when they talk via their thoughts. Wall street hunt watch online without. There are NO wolves in this film! Absolute disappointment! I recommend it tho, its a good film nonetheless. T&E is actually deductible on taxes. I did. Hope no IRS users here. Feel like Matheww McConaughey is going to be brilliant in this movie ! Love his role already. Wall street hunt watch online play. Wall street hunt watch online tv. Is the background important in this? Like how the background of Jean Dujardin's character is just an aquarium, meaning he thinks small and stays small, but Jordan Belfort's background is a city, meaning he thinks big and stays big.



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